Terms and conditions

Welcome to our website.

The website https://www.georgiosbaxevanis.gr belongs to the company under the name "GEORGIOS BAXEVANIS THE KNOWLEDGE TO BUILD SINGLE MEMBER PRIVATE CAPITAL COMPANY” which operates within the  trade of building materials, tiles and bathroom fixtures, based near the Port of Hersonissos, Municipality of Hersonissos, Regional Unit of Heraklion, P.C. 70014, VAT number: 801554635 of the Tax Office of Heraklion with Business Registry Number: 159040027000 (hereinafter referred to as "the Company"). Through this website, the Company offers information and services to users about itself, its activity, stores, products, purchases, etc. as well as the ability to order, receive offers and orders by requesting, based on the list created by the customer, the sending of a financial offer for these products.

These terms of use govern transactions, purchases, returns, advisory services, the use of website data, the protection of personal data and the security of transactions of each user.

When entering or registering on the website: https://www.georgiosbaxevanis.gr it is deemed that you agree and unreservedly accept these terms and conditions of use. For this reason, please read this text carefully and in case you disagree or will disagree in the future with part or all of the terms, please contact the company immediately. The Company may, at its sole discretion, modify the terms of use without prior notice other than publishing on this website and by indicating the date of modification.

The Company makes every effort for the uninterrupted availability of its website. However, there may be temporary interruptions of all or part of the website for maintenance / update / upgrade, due to network failure / weakness, large number of visitors as well as for other similar reasons.

1. Intellectual Property

The content (name, trademarks, images, graphics, etc.) of this website is the intellectual property of the Company. This website also exhibits trademarks, names and other intellectual / industrial property of third parties, which are protected by the relevant provisions of Greek and European law and international conventions. The use and display of the content of the website is strictly permitted for personal use. It is allowed to store the content in electronic form or even print it for personal – non-commercial – use, provided that all proprietary rights and the content will not be modified or distributed. The Company makes every effort to ensure that the information and generally the content available through the website are governed by clarity, accuracy and completeness. In any case, the Company does not guarantee the absence of errors and / or omissions during the registration of electronic data, technical or typographical errors that cannot be predicted or have occurred unintentionally and therefore does not accept any kind of relevant responsibility towards visitors / users of the website. 

2. Restrictions on Behavior, Use


The website https://www.georgiosbaxevanis.gr provide its users with member services, upon acceptance of the terms of use of the website and completion of the process of registering their data. Members remain solely responsible for all actions carried out under their personal password, username and generally their user account. Members agree to immediately notify the company "GEORGIOS BAXEVANIS THE KNOWLEDGE TO BUILD SINGLE MEMBER PRIVATE CAPITAL COMPANY" for any unauthorized use of their account and any actual and/or potential security breach. 

Also, members are solely responsible for the careful use of their account and their formal exit from their account at the end of each use (Logout). "GEORGIOS BAXEVANIS THE KNOWLEDGE TO BUILD SINGLE MEMBER PRIVATE CAPITAL COMPANY" is not responsible for any loss or damage resulting from the inability of members to respect and follow this clause. Once the account has been created, it cannot be deleted.

Provide true personal and delivery details of the products. The password declared during registration is unique and personal and in case it is found stolen, users should immediately inform the Company.

Users are obliged to: 

Not to publish material or generally the acts they carry out, not to incur criminal, civil or administrative liability to the company. It is forbidden to publish illegal, harassing, defamatory, abusive, threatening, vulgar, obscene, harmful, or any form of objectionable material. In any case, they must comply with the relevant Greek and European legislation and codes of practice.

Not to gain unauthorized access to material and not to store or publish copyrighted material without the consent of the rightsholder.

Not to publish material that contains any form of advertising or promotion of products or services. The company reserves the right to refuse to disclose material that does not comply with the above rules or is considered to harm its interests. Also, for the same reasons, it is possible to delete material that has already been made public. In this case, users are kindly requested not to try to republish the specific material.

In case that due to an incompatible act of a user, the company is obliged to pay any form of compensation, then that user is obliged to pay this amount to the company. 

3. Limitation of Liability

The informative content of the website, which consists of texts, photos and videos, is drawn from own sources and after processing by specialized personnel of the company it  is posted on the website. In case any problem is found, users are requested to immediately inform the company so that it can check and correct the material. 

3.1 Inability to provide services

The website https://www.georgiosbaxevanis.gr made every effort to make its services available within the hours and time limits. However, it does not take any responsibility in case of failure to perform any service due to the fault of the transportation companies it cooperates with, or malfunction of the internet service provider or internet hosting provider or internet payment processing provider or electricity provider or telecommunications service provider.


"GEORGIOS BAXEVANIS THE KNOWLEDGE TO BUILD SINGLE MEMBER PRIVATE COMPANY" reserves the right to modify and / or temporarily or permanently discontinue part or all of the services of https://www.georgiosbaxevanis.gr website with or without notice to users / members. The user / member understands and accepts that the name "GEORGIOS BAXEVANIS THE KNOWLEDGE TO BUILD SINGLE MEMBER PRIVATE CAPITAL COMPANY", maintains the exclusive right to discontinue the use of the access code(s) to its services and/or to discontinue the availability of its content to users/members who believe that they have violated the letter and spirit of these Terms of Use. 

3.2 Malware

The website https://www.georgiosbaxevanis.gr uses professional tools and software for the continuous – around the clock – surveillance and prevention of malicious software from its code. However, in no case does it take responsibility for the possible contamination by such software of users' equipment. In any case, it is recommended that when you log in to the website https://www.georgiosbaxevanis.gr have installed on the equipment a valid and up-to-date antivirus software.

3.3 Civil liability for loss of profits

The sales made relate to products intended for personal use. The name "GEORGIOS BAXEVANIS THE KNOWLEDGE TO BUILD SINGLE MEMBER PRIVATE CAPITAL COMPANY" does not assume any civil liability due to loss of profits, or loss of reputation and clientele. 

4. Cookies Policy

The Company uses cookies to identify as well as to improve and facilitate the user. Cookies are small text files that are stored on each user's terminal, without receiving any user information. Cookies are used solely to facilitate user access to specific products and/or services, for statistical and marketing purposes and do not contain or collect information individually. When "read" by a server through an internet browser, they may provide information to provide a more user-friendly service, such as error detection. We do not retain cookies longer than necessary. Full use of our website requires the installation of cookies.

This notice is part of our effort to comply with recent legislation and ensure that we comply with cookies and privacy.

How do we use cookies?

On our website, we use analytics cookies.

Analysis cookies: These cookies collect information about the browsing behavior of visitors to our website, such as which pages become more visited and whether visitors receive error messages. Through this we can improve the structure, navigation and content of the website to be as user-friendly as possible. We do not link statistical and other reporting data to individuals. 

We use these cookies to:

• Recording the number of visitors to our website

• Recording the duration of each visit to our website

• Determining the sequence/order in which each user visits the 

various pages on our website

• Evaluating the areas of the website that need improvement

• Website optimization

We may use software such as Google Analytics to analyze page usage, page interactions and paths taken through our website. These are known as "website metrics" or "analytics".

How you can control cookies:

It is at your discretion to control and/or delete cookies – for details, visit https://www.aboutcookies.org/

You can delete all cookies stored on your computer and you can set most internet browsers to prevent them from being stored.


(Based on General Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of Europe on 27-4-2016)

This personal data processing/protection policy (hereinafter all referred to as "Policy") provides information about the collection, storage, processing and use (hereinafter all referred to as "use") of your personal data. Data privacy is of great importance to our Company, which wants to be transparent on the issue of their processing and for this reason has taken all necessary measures to protect and ensure the confidentiality of their transfer (e.g. use of encryption protocol, control by antivirus, Firewall, etc.). Therefore, our company as responsible for the personal data you submit to us and as responsible for your personal data in accordance with the applicable data protection law and No. 2016/679 General Regulation, has a policy that determines how your personal data is processed and protected, which we explain in detail below: Each time you use this website you are bound by the applicable Privacy Policy and you should read this text each time you use the website and confirm that you accept it. 

Responsible for the collection, storage, processing and use of personal data in accordance with the meaning of Greek law and legislation on the protection of personal data is the company under the name "GEORGIOS BAXEVANIS THE KNOWLEDGE TO BUILD SINGLE MEMBER PRIVATE CAPITAL COMPANY" and distinctive title "THE KNOWLEDGE TO BUILD" MON.I.K.E. with object of trade of building materials and sanitary ware, based in the Port of Hersonissos, Municipality of Hersonissos, Regional Unit of Heraklion, P.C. 70014, VAT number: 801554635 of the Tax Office of Heraklion with Business Registry number: 159040027000, Telephone: 28970-24040, E-mail: info@georgiosbaxevanis.gr (hereinafter referred to as "the Company"). Personal data is information that identifies you. The Company does not collect your personal data, unless you have explicitly provided them (e.g. when you register to receive a Newsletter via email, messages on your mobile phone, participate in competitions, order products or services or request information) and for a specific purpose (e.g. sending Newsletters and messages, to answer your questions, to satisfy your requests) and if you have given your consent to their use. 

The Company requests and receives from you only those data that are absolutely necessary to serve the purpose for which they were given and are used solely for the purposes for which they have been collected. The data provided by you will be kept/stored by us only for as long as it is required to fulfill the purpose for which you have communicated your data to us and in compliance with the applicable legal provisions.

If you have given us your explicit consent to use your personal data for marketing purposes (subscribing to the Newsletter or sending messages to your mobile phone), we will use your data for this purpose until you withdraw your consent (i) via the special Un-subscribe link at the end of each Newsletter or (ii) by submitting a relevant request by sending an e-mail to dpo@georgiosbaxevanis.gr

The user – consumer (you) hereby ensures that the information provided is correct and accurate and undertakes to notify any change or modification there. For any loss or damage caused to the website or any third party responsible for the website due to the provision of incorrect, inaccurate or incomplete information in the registration fields, the user will be solely responsible. The Company, as the controller of the file, undertakes the obligation to ensure the confidentiality of your personal data and to ensure the exercise by you of the rights of access, rectification, deletion and objection, by sending an e-mail to dpo@georgiosbaxevanis.gr address, to the attention of "Personal Data Protection".

 In addition, to fulfill the above purposes, we may disclose or transfer the information you have provided to us to affiliates, third-party controllers, information collection centers, financial institutions or other third-party service providers who assist in our business operations (such as fraud detection, account collection, corporate and reward programs, technology service providers; management of financial transactions, logistics services, transportation, order management and customer services, and/or analysis of transactions made through the website in order to provide our users with adequate guarantees in purchase transactions, etc.) or necessary to manage your purchases. We hereby inform you that by registering and providing information either through our website or by completing a handwritten or printed – pre-completed application, you expressly authorize us to disclose and / or transmit this information to the above. By providing us with information on this website or otherwise with us, you expressly authorize us to disclose and process your information as described above. Your explicit consent to this access/disclosure includes those cases where, for the effectiveness of the provision of services, suppliers may be established in other countries or regions outside the European Economic Area.

What are your rights?

Right of access:

You have the right to request information about the personal data we hold at any time.

Right to data portability:

When the Company processes your personal data by automated means based on your consent or on the basis of an agreement, you have the right to transfer to you or another party a copy of your data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. This includes only the personal data you have submitted to us.

Right to rectification:

You have the right to request the rectification of your personal data if it is incorrect, including the right to have incomplete personal data completed. If you have an account, you can edit your personal data under your account.

Right to erasure:

You have the right to delete any personal data processed by the Company at any time, except in the following cases:

i. You have an ongoing case with Customer Service

ii. You have an open order, which has not yet been shipped or is partially shipped

iii. You have an uncleared debt to the Company regardless of the payment method

 iv. If you have made a purchase, we will retain your personal data in connection with your transaction for accounting rules

Your right to object to treatment based on a reasonable interest:

You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data based on the legitimate interest of the company. The Company will not continue to process personal data unless we can discern a legitimate ground for the process that overrides your interests and rights or due to legal claims.

Your right to object to direct marketing:

You have the right to object to direct marketing, including profiling done for direct marketing purposes. You can opt out of direct marketing by the following means: By following the instructions in your marketing messages, by editing your account settings.

Right to restriction:

You have the right to ask the Company to restrict the processing of your personal data in the following cases: if you object to a legitimate interest of the Company, if you have a claim that your personal data is incorrect, if the processing is unlawful, if the Company no longer needs the personal data.

Right to complain to a supervisory authority:

If you believe that the Company processes your personal data incorrectly, you can contact us at dpo@georgiosbaxevanis.gr. You also have the right to address a complaint to a supervisory authority.

Privacy notice updates:

We may need to update the privacy notice. The latest version of the privacy notice is always available on our website. We will share any material changes to the privacy notice, for example the purpose of why we use your personal data, the identity of the controller or your rights.

The Company warrants that it will not transmit, disclose, assign, etc. of your personal data to third parties (other than those mentioned herein) for any purpose or use unless this is mandatory by applicable law or is required by public / judicial bodies authorities and is committed to ensuring the security of your personal data from loss, alteration or access by third parties to them.

In order to determine whether your personal data is accurate and up-to-date or in order to request correction, deletion, restriction of processing or a copy of your personal data, you can submit your request at the corresponding link of the website, dpo@georgiosbaxevanis.gr


"GEORGIOS BAXEVANIS THE KNOWLEDGE TO BUILD SINGLE MEMBER PRIVATE CAPITAL COMPANY" "GEORGIOS BAXEVANIS", will from time to time modify/update the Policy. Please always refer to this Policy to be informed of its current version, in case any modifications or updates have been made.

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